Moving Picture World, 27-September-1919 |
100 years ago last month in August, 1919, Harold Lloyd suffered a terrible accident while posing for publicity pictures. A prop bomb turned out to be real. It took away the thumb and forefinger on his right hand. By September, he was making a remarkable recovery.
"Captain Kidd's Kids" was Harold's last movie with leading lady Bebe Daniels.
Moving Picture World, 13-September-1919 |
You don't see the phrase "not all cakes and ale" much nowadays. It comes from Shakespeare's
Twelfth Night.
Moving Picture World, 13-September-1919 |
This is a nice portrait of Harold without the glasses.
Moving Picture World, 20-September-1919 |
This is a nice portrait of Harold with a co-star.
Moving Picture World, 20-September-1919 |
I don't think Snub Pollard and Mildred Davis made a movie without Harold, but I could be wrong.
Moving Picture World, 20-September-1919 |
Moving Picture World, 13-September-1919 |
"Despite Accident, Harold Lloyd Multiples
"Will Be Released Monthly After November 2
"UNHINDERED by the accident which recently befell Harold Lloyd, and which 'will keep him inactive tor a short time, Pathe is going through with plans made during the visit of Charles Pathe to America, to present the Rolin comedian in a series of special two reel comedies. Beginning on November 2, the initial multiple Lloyd feature will be issued and one a month will be released thereafter. Lloyd worked on these comedies for more than two months before the accident in the Rolin studio, and in the
Pathe announcement this week is contained the information that he was far enough ahead of schedule to permit of the listing of the new offerings beyond the first of the year.
"Will Issue Two Reelers Monthly.
"The two reel subjects will be issued once a month instead of once a week, as heretofore, because it is impossible for Lloyd to produce comedies of this high class type in less than three weeks, working at top speed.
"Definite information has come from California, that the accident to Lloyd will in no manner impair his ability as a comedian. His injuries are much less serious than were at first expected, and he will be able to resume his screen work in time to round out the schedule of two reel productions planned for him. Hal E. Roach, president of the Rolin Film Company, and director of the Lloyd comedies, wired Paul Brunet, of Pathe Exchange, Inc., last week, to the effect that he was continuing the selection of stories for Lloyd pictures, and that he was in hopes of having the noted young comedian back in the studio in a short time.
"Lloyd will be surrounded by the most competent staff of comedians it is possible for Director General Hal. E. Roach to engage. In his company will be a bevy of beauties which will make the blase "beach bugs" of Long Beach, Cal., sit up and take notice. Mr. Roach who has as large a part in the success of the Lloyd comedies, will continue to direct the two reel subjects.
"In announcing the two reel comedies, Pathe indicates that exhibitors may contract only for six of the features at a time. No yearly contracts will be accepted."
Moving Picture World, 27-September-1919 |
Harold Lloyd had made two-reelers with Lonesome Luke, but went back to one-reelers with the glasses character to give it more exposure. "Bumping Into Broadway" was the first two-reeler with the glasses character.
Moving Picture World, 27-September-1919 |
"His Royal Slyness" was Harold's first movie with his new leading lady, Mildred Davis.
Photoplay, September, 1919 |
"A Bebe Grown Up." It is hard to realize that Bebe Daniels was fourteen when she first served as Harold Lloyd's leading lady, and was only 19 when she left to work for Cecil B DeMille. "A pretty child when we first saw her, she has grown to be a beautiful woman, in the California sunshine and the Lloyd comedies."
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