Moving Picture World, 21-December-1918 |
I like this Swedish newspaper ad for Chaplin's Mutuals.
Moving Picture World, 02-November-1918 |
I also like the Douglas Fairbanks ad mentioned above.
Moving Picture World, 28-December-1918 |
Essanay was still selling its cut and paste Chaplin movie, "Triple Trouble."
Moving Picture World, 07-December-1918 |
Chaplin's second release through First National, "Shoulder Arms," was still doing good business.
Film Daily, 01-December-1918 |
It had run for six weeks, an unusually long time, at the Broadway Theater in New York City.
Motion Picture News, 21-November-1918 |
Moving Picture World, 07-December-1918 |
Chaplin had married 16-year-old actress Mildred Harris on 23-October-1918. Exhibitors quickly jumped on the opportunity to promote her movies.
Moving Picture World, 24-December-1918 |
Notice that "CHARLIE CHAPLIN" is much larger than any other name, including the title of the movie.
Moving Picture World, 28-December-1918 |
An ad for a Lois Weber movie starring Mrs Charlie Chaplin.
Moving Picture World, 07-December-1918 |
"18 out of the 25 theatres on Broadway, New York City have booked Mrs. CHARLIE CHAPLIN."
Moving Picture World, 21-December-1918 |
Pat Sullivan's studio released a second animated Chaplin film, ""Over the Rhine With Charlie." Otto Messmer did most of the work. "Several exhibitors have booked these one-reel comics to show with Mildred Harris Jewel productions."
Moving Picture World, 14-December-1918 |
Keeping his nose to the grindstone.
Moving Picture World, 21-December-1918 |
Chaplin had many visitors at the studio. Deaf-blind writer Helen Keller came with her companion Anne Sullivan Macy. One would think a blind person would not get much use out of a silent movie, but Mrs Macy spelled a description of the events into her hand and she enjoyed "Shoulder Arms."
Moving Picture World, 14-December-1918 |
"Churchman Outlines His Views on Pictures for the Young and Advocates Morning Performances
"THE motion picture exhibitor occupies a position in his community of an importance equal to that of the local board of education and the teachers in the public schools, in the estimation of the Bishop of Birmingham, England, who visited Charlie Chaplin recently and expressed his opinions and views while noting the comedian's work on his third First National Exhibitors' Circuit release.
"The Bishop of Birmingham has been sent to America by the British Government to study, among other things, the motion picture industry here, particularly the producing branch, and analyze, what the American manufacturers are doing for the attainment of better pictures for the future. He also will make an exhaustive investigation of available facts on the effects of motion pictures in the formation of character in children.
"It was this latter subject which holds the greatest personal interest for the Bishop, and on which he expressed himself at length. As a representative of the British Government, whose reports upon his return to England will be the chief factor in determining the activities of a number of the largest of the British film manufacturers, his views and opinions possess an unusual value and interest for the American exhibitors and producers."