East Oregonian, 07-June-1921 |
100 years ago this month, Tom Mix was appearing in The Untamed, "The Amazing Tale of Three Strange Comrades -- a Man, a Horse and a Dog."
Albuquerque Evening Herald, 14-June-1921 |
Tom drives a stagecoach in
A Ridin' Romeo. "The Romance of a Cowboy Who Tried to Do Right but Always Got Wrong."
Imperial Valley Express, 17-June-1921 |
Tom Mix means business in A Ridin' Romeo.
Clovis News, 09-June-1921 |
Tom and dog in The Road Demon. I wonder if it is the same dog who appeared with Tom and Tony in The Untamed.
Albuquerque Evening Herald, 14-June-1921 |
I thought Tom might not mind if I threw in a contemporary western star and a kid. Art Acord appeared in many silent films, but did not make the transition to talkies. He served in France during World War One and was decorated for bravery.
"That Wonderful Boy," Breezy Eason was B Reeves Eason Jr, son of director B Reeves Eason Sr.