Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Negro "Lon Chaney" -- February 26, 2025

Saint Louis Argus, 13-February-1925

Smiling Hate, with an "ALL-STAR COLORED CAST," is a movie I have never heard of. I have never heard of actor HOWARD AUGUSTA, "The Famous Colored Artist." I can't find an entry for the movie in the IMDB. 

Saint Louis Argus, 20-February-1925

I was interested to see Howard Augusta called '"The Negro 'Lon Chaney'."

Baltimore Afro-American, 14-February-1925

Oscar Micheaux was a pioneer in producing what were known as race films. Body and Soul was the first Micheaux movie that I saw, and for a long time the only one. Paul Robeson made an impressive debut, playing two brothers. Micheaux called the film "the biggest picture he has ever produced."

Baltimore Afro-American, 07-February-1925

This item says African Americans were internalizing messages of inferiority from mainstream movies. It commends Micheaux "who has expended money and contributed his wonderful talents with no recompense" and asks people to support him.

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