Moving Picture World, 12-October-1918 |
The United States joined the First World War in April, 1917. Learning from the British, the United States put its propaganda efforts into the hands of one organization, the Committee on Public Information, also called the Creel Committee, after its chairman, George Creel. The Creel Committee produced the "Official War Review," a series of weekly one-reelers about war subjects. This one urges theater owners to "Come on, Now! Let your patrons see me in action with brothers in arms -- The French, British and Italians, fighting
your battles."
Moving Picture World, 05-October-1918 |
"The Most Widely Shown Picture That Has Ever Been Screened."
Moving Picture World, 26-October-1918 |
"No private concern, however rich, however powerful, could get such war pictures as these
Government Pictures!"
Moving Picture World, 05-October-1918 |
The motion picture industry did much to support the Liberty Loans, which helped to pay for the war. This ad has a list of people, including Charles Chaplin, who made one-reelers to support the Liberty Loan.
Moving Picture World, 12-October-1918 |
"The Huns are on the run!
Bulgaria has surrendered!
Nearly two million U.S. soldiers in France..."
Moving Picture World, 12-October-1918 |
The movie industry produced its own movies to support the war effort, like the newsreel "Universal Animated Weekly and Current Events." "Huns captured at Chateau Thierry."
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