Monday, October 28, 2024

Gala Halloween Show -- October 28, 2024

Victoria Advocate, 31-October-1949

Victoria, British Columbia's El Rancho and Rita Theaters both had had Halloween shows at 11:15pm on Halloween night, but only the El Rancho's was a "Gala Halloween Show." On the other hand, customers at the Rita got a "Halloween Show!" with an exclamation point. Subtle differences.

I don't remember The House Across the Street. The Monster Maker was a typical PRC (Pretty Rotten Crap) release.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

A Double Shock Program -- October 27, 2024

Kansas City Times, 31-October-1949

Halloween is coming.

This ad for Kansas City, Missouri's Regent Theater promises us a Halloween show with "A Double Shock Program," but doesn't tell us what features they were showing. That's crappy, but at least they offered free coffee and doughnuts after midnight. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Guns! Ghouls! Gags! Gals! -- October 26, 2024

Bellville Daily Advocate, 01-October-1949

Halloween is coming. 

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello teamed up in burlesque and went on to Broadway and the radio.  In the 1940s, they made a series of popular comedies for Universal.  Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (Heck of a title) was an attempt to reproduce the success of 1948's Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein was better.

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Frankenstein Monster in The Asylum of Horror -- October 25, 2024

Hagerstown Daily Mail, 01-October-1924

Halloween is coming.

Frankenstein's Monster made a personal appearance at Hagerstown's Warner Brothers' Maryland Theater. He was part of The Asylum of Horror, a horror/comedy show starring magician Dr Silkini (Jack Baker). The monster was played by Art Dorner, who was said to have doubled for Karloff in the Universal Frankenstein films.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Contraband Magazine -- October 23, 2024

Halloween is coming.

When I was young, I read Warren Publishing magazines like Famous Monsters of Filmland and Vampirella. I brought this issue of Famous Monsters to Saint Monica's to show my friends at recess and my seventh grade teacher confiscated it. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Larry Semon Special Comedies -- October 5, 2024

Film Daily, 26-October-1924

After his feature The Girl in the Limousine staggered in the box office, Larry started a series of two-reelers to be released by Educational. "Her Boy Friend" was the first of the "Larry Semon Special Comedies." Larry Semon and Noel Smith directed.

Film Daily, 14-October-1924

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Reluctant Saint -- October 4, 2024

In honor of the Feast of Saint Francis, here is The Reluctant Saint, about Franciscan Saint Joseph of Cupertino. Maximilian Schell played Giuseppe, a young peasant who was not dangerously bright. Giuseppe's mother persuaded her brother to take Giuseppe into a Franciscan monastery as a lay brother. He was happy taking care of the farm animals. A visiting bishop talked to Giuseppe and found that he had a loving heart and native wisdom. The bishop told the uncle to let Giuseppe study for the priesthood. Through a series of miracles, Giuseppe passed all the exams. 

After this people saw that he had ecstatic experiences and sometimes levitated. A priest accused Giuseppe of consorting with the devil, but despite efforts at exorcism, the friars realized that his experiences came from heaven. 

The movie is fun, but it works on the level of a children's story. I don't mind a children's story now and then.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Silent Movie Day 2024 -- September 29, 2024

Motion Picture Herald, 07-March-1936

I posted this too late for Silent Movie Day.

In honor of Silent Movie Day, I am writing about Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times, his last silent film.
Some scenes seem familiar to us today.

I eat at my desk every day.

I have never done this at work, but I understand how he feels.
I wish I could be this graceful.
The scene with the red flag was funny, but many people found it controversial.  I remember a school friend's mother who thought Chaplin was a communist. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Exhibitors Everywhere Are Cleaning Up With Harry Carey -- September 18, 2024

Exhibitors Herald, 06-September-1924

Harry Carey was a pioneering cowboy star. This ad touts his current series for PDC (Producers Distributing Corporation. These movies were produced by Hunt Stromberg. 

Film Daily, 12-September-1924

Roaring Rails was previewed at the Roosevelt Theater in Los Angeles and was "acclaimed super-production." Tom Forman directed. Child actor Frankie Darro made an early appearance.

Film Daily, 12-September-1924

Carey was going to appear in an adaption of Bret Harte 's "Tennessee's Parter." The article says it would be called The Man From Texas, but it was released as The Flaming Forties.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Bill Hart Entered Pictures Ten Years Ago at $75 a Week -- September 17, 2024

Photoplay, September, 1924

I like William S Hart's hat. 

Millville Daily, 01-September-1924

Wild Bill Hickok was Hart's penultimate film for Paramount. The Grand Theater in Millville, New Jersey paired it with "5 Good Acts Vaudeville 5." 

Selma Times-Journal, 01-September-1924

Singer Jim McKee was not a success. I find it hard to picture Bill Hart as a singing cowboy. 

Alexandria Gazette, 13-September-1924

Hart wrote a series of stories for young people about Injun and Whitey, "The Golden West Boys."

Monday, September 16, 2024

Lauren Bacall 100 -- September 16, 2024

Actress and activist Lauren Bacall was born 100 years ago today, on 16-September-1924. I love her voice.  She always had class.  Her marriage to Humphrey Bogart was odd because of their age difference, but they really belonged together.  I love her movies with Bogart, and most of her other movies as well..

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Harold Lloyd Likes His Radio -- September 14, 2024

Daily Ardmoreite, 01-September-1924

I was not surprised to learn that Harold Lloyd had the latest radio set.

Film Daily, 05-September-1924

Harold Lloyd previewed his movies, in this case Hot Water, and made adjustments based on audience reactions. Sometimes he reshot whole sections.

Omaha Bee, 28-September-1924

Harold Lloyd was popular. I'm sure many dogs were named after him.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

James Earl Jones, RIP -- September 11, 2024

James Earl Jones has died. I have been hearing his voice for most of my life. Another voice I would happily borrow.

"Ray, people will come Ray. They'll come to Iowa for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. Of course, we won't mind if you look around, you'll say. It's only $20 per person. They'll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack. And they'll walk out to the bleachers; sit in shirtsleeves on a perfect afternoon. They'll find they have reserved seats somewhere along one of the baselines, where they sat when they were children and cheered their heroes. And they'll watch the game and it'll be as if they dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick they'll have to brush them away from their faces. People will come Ray. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh... people will come Ray. People will most definitely come."

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Flivver Bumps Alma Rubens and Marion Davies at Hollywood -- September 10, 2024

Alameda Times Star, 09-September-1924

Actresses Marion Davies and Alma Rubens were injured when their auto "was bumped by an audacious flivver." 

Exhibitors Herald, 13-September-1924

Monday, September 9, 2024

Jane Greer and Sylvia Miles 100, Neil Hamilton 125 -- September 9, 2024

Actress Jane Greer, the femme fatale in Out of the Past, was born 100 years ago today, on 09-September-1924.

Actress Silvia Miles, who did not appear in many movies, was born on the same day.

Actor Neil Hamilton was born 125 years ago today on 09-September-1899. He was the leading man in DW Griffith's epic America. he appeared in many movies at M-G-M, including Tarzan the Ape Man and Tarzan and His Mate. He was the Major in the original Dawn Patrol. Many people remember him as Commissioner Jim Gordon in the Batman television series.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Two Edison Kinetoscopes, Slightly Used, Both Bargains -- September 4, 2024

New York Clipper, 01-February-1908

Need two Edison Kinetoscopes, slightly used, both bargains? Frank E Russell of Batavia, New York will mail you a free catalogue. 

Herman Wauke of Coney Island, New York offers "15,000 Feet of Up-To-Date Films" in perfect condition. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Larry Semon is Preparing 'The Wizard of Ox' -- September 3, 2024

Film Daily, 14-September-1924

Larry Semon's new series of short comedies was produced by Chadwick and released by Educational.

Film Daily, 28-September-1924

"Her Boy Friend" was directed by Larry Semon and Noel Smith. Larry's wife, Dorothy Dwan, was the leading lady. Noel Smith had directed Larry's first feature, The Girl in the Limousine. Oliver Hardy and Frank Alexander had both played fat men in Larry's Vitagraph comedies.

Film Daily, 22-September-1924

The Girl in the Limousine has a poor reputation. Los Angeles newspapers gave it mildly positive reviews. 

Exhibitors Herald, 06-September-1924

Perhaps this item spelling the title wrong is a foreshadowing of problems which faced this film.

Film Daily, 30-September-1924

Added 05-September-2024:

Exhibitors Herald, 27-September-1924

"Larry Semon's return to the short subject lengths after a sojourn in the feature footage is something to be grateful for."

Monday, September 2, 2024

Salt of the Earth -- September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day, everyone.

Salt of the Earth told the story of Mexican-American mine workers standing up to a big corporation demanding fair treatment. The movie was sponsored by the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers. Director Herbert Biberman was blacklisted in Hollywood. Most of the actors were not professionals. During the McCarthy Era, the film was widely attacked, but it never went away.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Richard Arlen 125 -- September 1, 2024

Richard Arlen was born 125 years ago today, on 01-September-1899. An American, he volunteered to serve in the Royal Flying Corps during World War One.

Motion Picture Magazine, November, 1928

His most famous film was probably William Wellman's World War One epic, Wings. Arlen and Buddy Rogers starred with Clara Bow and Buddy Rogers.

I was able to introduce several people to silent movies in a great environment by taking them to the Friday night shows at San Francisco's Avenue Theater.  Several friends saw silent movies accompanied on the Mighty Wurlitzer by Bob Vaughn. Wings made a big hit with my high school friends.

Island of Lost Souls is a fun movie. The "Panther Woman" was Kathleen Burke, who had won a contest to get the part. Charles Laughton bit off huge chunks of scenery.

During World War Two, Arlen was a US Army Air Force flight instructor.

He was married to Jobyna Ralston from 1927 to 1945.