Motion Picture News, 25-February-1921 |
Baby Peggy had grown to become Century's biggest comedy star, even surpassing her old comrade Brownie the Century Wonder Dog. I don't know why the ad calls her look "divilish," unless the ad was written by one of Carl Laemmle's recently arrived nephews. Carl Laemmle, head of Universal, was known to give jobs to relatives.
Motion Picture News, 18-February-1921 |
"Play Century Notes For Your Cash Register." "Century note" is slang for a one-hundred-dollar bill. This ad promotes Century Comedies' four series, starring Lee Moran, Harry Sweet, Baby Peggy and Brownie the Century Wonder-Dog.
Motion Picture News, 25-February-1921 |
Century boss Julius Stern, Carl Laemmle's brother-in-law, had plans to expand Century. He hired Henry (Pathé) Lehrman to produce "twelve super comedies."
Moving Picture Weekly, 24-February-1922 |
"Join Hands With This Big Four."
Moving Picture Weekly, 11-February-1922 |
I like this photo of Brownie.
Motion Picture News, 18-February-1921 |
"Rooted Deep in Laughter." I like Brownie's hat.
Moving Picture Weekly, 18-February-1922 |
One series of Arrow Comedies starred Lee Moran's old partner, Eddie Lyons "that inimitable comedian."
Motion Picture News, 11-February-1921 |
Arrow offered 52 two-reelers a year.
Motion Picture News, 18-February-1921 |
"The Funniest Fellow in Films." I know some people who would debate that.
Motion Picture News, 04-February-1921 |
A San Francisco exhibiter says, "His Comedies Are Greatest Two Reelers on Market."
Motion Picture News, 18-February-1921 |
"Beauty and Brains." Dorothy Devore starred in Christie Comedies. Here she shows her versatility.
Motion Picture News, 11-February-1921 |
As I mentioned last month, I don't remember reading about Folly Comedies. I always thought George Ovey did not look funny. Vernon Dent later worked with the Three Stooges.
Los Angeles Times, 01-February-1922 |
Snub Pollard and pretty Marie Mosquini starred in a series of comedies for Hal Roach. This item says they got engaged. I think she was already married. They never married each other, as far as I know. Anyway, they look happy.
Motion Picture News, 25-February-1921 |
Moving Picture Weekly, 04-February-1922 |
"Universal Short Stuff" included Century and Jewel Comedies.
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