Motion Picture News, 06-November-1920 |
Erich von Stroheim made controversial movies. The third movie that he directed was Foolish Wives for Universal. Universal publicized the cost of the elaborate sets built for the movie. This added to von Stroheim's reputation for obsession with details and extravagance.
Motion Picture News, 13-November-1920 |
"2 1/2 Times as Much" must refer to the budget.
Motion Picture News, 20-November-1920 |
"Here in a small part of Universal City, California you see a large part of Monte Carlo, Monaco."
Motion Picture News, 20-November-1920 |
"Costly Sets for Stroheim/'Foolish Wives' to Cost More Than Any Previous Universal."
Motion Picture News, 27-November-1920 |
"Massive Villa Set in Stroheim Special."
Motion Picture News, 13-November-1920 |
Meanwhile, The Devil's Passkey, von Stroheim's second directorial effort, was in release. "Better than Blind Husbands," the first movie that he directed.
Motion Picture News, 20-November-1920 |
"Carl Laemmle presents Von Stroheim's Master Picture."