Motography, 02-October-1915 |
"Famous Essanay Comedian Thoroughly Satisfied with Present Surroundings and Has No Thought of Joining Other Companies."
Moving Picture World, 09-October-1915 |
"Chaplin Will Stick." "Mr. Spoor and myself are in perfect harmony in regard to the work so why should I leave, even if I had no contract?"
Moving Picture World, 09-October-1915 |
Essanay touted Chaplin's latest, "Shanghaied," as "The Greatest of the Essanay Laugh-Makers."
Moving Picture World, 16-October-1915 |
Essanay contined to warn exhibitors about "Fake Films" and "Fake Chaplins."
Moving Picture World, 23-October-1915 |
"Is he Charles Chaplin?" My guess is no. There were many Chaplin imitators.
Motography, 09-October-1915 |
George Levi was arrested for renting prints of Chaplin films and making "dupes" (duplicates).
Motography, 16-October-1915 |
Other pirates recut Chaplin movies to produce "new" films. "Charles Chaplin in 'The Mix-up' (4 reels), 'Ambition' (4 reels), and 'The Review' (3 reels). Charles Chaplin states that he never appeared in any of the above pictures, and never appeared in any four reel motion picture."
Motography, 16-October-1915 |
HL Wallick offered Chaplin in "The Property Man," a Keystone, and "Ambition," one of the four-reel fakes mentioned above.
Moving Picture World, 02-October-1915 |
A New England exhibitor offered "also a four-reel Chaplin feature entitled 'Ambition' which we understand is an exclusive."
Moving Picture World, 09-October-1915 |
A Louisville exhibitor worked hard to advertise "By the Sea," a legitimate Essanay.
Moving Picture World, 02-October-1915 |
The Bijou-Grand in Walla Walla, Washington ballyhooed Chaplin films using a cutout on the hood of an auto.
Hi Joe. I can't seem to find another way to contact you, but I'm wanting to let you know that I've announced another blogathon for next year and would like to invite you to participate. The link is below with more details