Monday, August 5, 2024

The World's Great Tickler Says Why Worry? -- August 5, 2024

Exhibitors Herald, 30-August-1924

This beautiful Pathé ad promises two new Harold Lloyd comedies in the new season.

Exhibitors Herald, 23-August-1924

Girl Shy was "Now in Its 13th Week on Broadway."

Exhibitors Herald, 09-August-1924

Why Worry? was not Harold's latest picture, but this is an interesting example of an ad that was printed on paper bags.

Exhibitors Herald, 09-August-1924

The manager of the Pastime Theater in Mason, Michigan borrowed 200 paper bags from each of three local groceries and used them to carry the ad.

Exhibitors Herald, 09-August-1924

Hubby would be released as Hot Water

Caldwell Tribune, 15-August-1924

I am not sure I would like to be called "The World's Great Tickler."

El Tucsonese, 16-August-1924

Girl Shy was popular with Spanish-speaking audiences as well as English-speaking.

Alma Nebraska Record, 22-August-1924

The Rialto Theater in Alma, Nebraska planned to program three Harold Lloyd features.

Alma Nebraska Record, 22-August-1924

Photoplay, August, 1924

Harold and Mildred pose with recent arrival Gloria. Harold said that Mildred would soon return to the screen in Alice in Wonderland. Did not happen.

Exhibitors Herald, 09-August-1924

Harold was an athlete. Here we see that he beat "the singles handball champ of Hollywood studios."

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