Thursday, August 1, 2024

Larry Semon has Given the Screen a Feature Length Comedy -- August 1, 2024

Exhibitors Herald, 16-August-1924

Like his contemporary Lloyd Hamilton, Larry Semon was trying to move into feature productions. The Girl in the Limousine was based on a play by Wilson Collison and Avery Hopwood. Larry Semon and Noel Smith directed. First National was going to release the film.

"They'll find Semon's first feature length picture a great evening of fun." They didn't, actually.

Exhibitors Herald, 09-August-1924

Exhibitors Herald, 09-August-1924

Larry started work on a series of short comedies for Educational "in which he plays 'straight' characters." He tried to move to a character that was more realistic than his long-time image. 

Exhibitors Herald, 16-August-1924

"Semon will direct his own pictures." This series of movies was produced at FBO and released by Educational.

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