Friday, August 30, 2024

Oscar Micheaux -- The Greatest Negro Photoplay of All Times! -- August 30, 2024

Oklahoma City Black Dispatch, 06-August-1949

Oscar Micheaux was a pioneer in producing what were known as race films. His last film, The Betrayal, premiered at a Broadway theater. This was a first for any race film. The movie is probably lost.

Note: "This is not a Chapter play, but due to its great length must be shown in three weekly installments!"

Saint Louis Argus, 24-August-1924

I couldn't find much about race films from 100 years ago this month, but I did see that Evelyn Preer, who appeared in many of Oscar Micheaux's movies, was touring in vaudeville with Edward Thompson (no relation), a fellow member of the Lafayette Players.

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