Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Oscar Micheaux Moves Fast -- July 30, 2024

Baltimore Afro-American, 07-July-1924

Oscar Micheaux was a pioneer in producing what were known as race films. He not only produced films, but he roamed the country finding theaters willing to play them. 

Birmingham News, 15-July-1924

100 years ago this month, Micheaux's film Deceit was playing at Birmingham's Famous Theater. I do not know if the photo is Oscar Micheaux or an actor who appeared in the film. Evelyn Preer appeared in several race films. I know the photo is not her.

Atlanta Constitution, 29-July-1924

Meanwhile, Micheaux's Birthright, which also starred Evelyn Preer, was playing at Atlanta's Paramount, "The Home of Screen Classics." Note the section header "Amusement for Colored." 

Atlanta Constitution, 29-July-1924

"No advance in admission" means the theater was not charging extra for this show.

Atlanta Constitution, 25-July-1924

There were never enough race films produced to keep a theater like the Paramount ("For Colored Only") fully booked, so they also played mainstream films.

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