Exhibitors Herald, 03-May-1924 |
Fred Thomson (no relation) had a diverse career. While attending the Princeton Theological Seminary, he earned the Amateur Athletic Union's All-Around Champion trophy in 1910, 1911 and 1913. After being ordained as a Presbyterian minister, he joined the Army and served as a chaplain during World War One. He went into the movie business after he married director and screenwriter Frances Marion. In time, he became a major western star. Sadly, he died of tetanus in 1928.
Exhibitors Herald, 24-May-1924 |
This Monogram apparently had no relation to the famous B-movie studio of the 1930s and 1940s.
Film Daily, 11-May-1924 |
Film Daily, 05-May-1924 |
You might expect that "Buddy Roosevelt" was not this actor's real name. Kenneth Sanderson had a long career as an actor and a stuntman. He starred in a series of silent westerns and played small parts in many talkies.
Film Daily, 11-May-1924 |
"B R Stands for Buddy Roosevelt Bank Roll." Or is it "B R Stands for Buddy Bank Roosevelt Roll?"
Film Daily, 01-May-1924
And you might question whether this guy's real name was Buffalo Bill, Jr. Jay Wilsey starred in a series of silent and early sound westerns.
Film Daily, 06-May-1924 |
Film Daily, 04-May-1924 |
Film Daily, 09-May-1924 |
"8 Breezy Punchy Startling Dare-Devil Thrilling Lightning Fast Westerns."
Photoplay, May, 1924 |
Jack Hoxie was a real cowboy and rodeo performer who became a star in the early 1920s. "Jack Hoxie plays the part of the sheriff and makes him lovable, though not too bright. He does some spectacular riding, however, which makes up for his lack of mental agility."
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