Moving Picture World, 26-November-1921 |
"Never Weaken" was the first of Harold Lloyd's thrill comedies. Comedians had always scampered around in high places, but Lloyd built the film around dangerous events on a high rise building. This was Harold's last short film, a three-reeler, unless you count "A Sailor-Made Man," which had four reels.
Moving Picture World, 05-November-1921 |
The Olympia Theater in Boston billed the Harold Lloyd short "Among Those Present" above a Tom Mix feature,
The Night Horsemen.
Omaha Bee, 25-September-1921 |
Motion Picture News, 26-November-1921 |
The Symphony Theater in Los Angeles ran a program of "Never Weaken" and other short subjects for five weeks, which was an exceptional length of time in 1921.
Moving Picture World, 26-November-1921 |
Some people consider the four reel "A Sailor Made Man" to be Harold Lloyd's last short, while others call it his first feature. The movie is packed with stereotypes, but it is still funny.
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