Moving Picture World, 05-October-1918 |
The 1918 influenza pandemic killed 3-5% of the world's population. It was often called the Spanish Flu because Spain's newspapers were not censored as heavily as those in countries involved in the war. Many cities and states ordered movie theaters to close. This article offers some useful advice about avoiding the flu.
Film Daily, 13-October-1918 |
"By reason of the fact that a majority of theaters in the United States and Canada are closed the undersigned companies have decided to release no new or re-issued pictures for a period of four weeks..."
Moving Picture World, 12-October-1918 |
One unique feature of the 1918 flu was that it killed many healthy young people. Flu is usually the hardest on the very young and the elderly. Note that these two 25-year-old brothers were in an army camp.
Moving Picture World, 12-October-1918 |
Ralph Camp was 35.
Moving Picture World, 12-October-1918 |
New England theaters were ordered closed for 12 days.
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