Monday, March 24, 2014

Grauman's Chinese #36 -- March 24, 2014

In July, 2012 we paid a return visit to Hollywood and Grauman's Chinese Theater.  Sid Grauman was a San Francisco showman who came to Los Angeles and built three major houses, the Million Dollar, the Egyptian, and the Chinese. The theater has hosted many film premieres, but is most famous for the hand and footprints (and hoofprints and nose prints and other types of prints) in the forecourt.

 Jack Oakie left his hand and footprints in the forecourt on 21-February-1945. I remember him best as Benzino Napolini, a parody of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, in Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator.  Oakie almost always played loud, over-the-top characters.  Some people can't stand him.  I can stand him.  (31/DSC_0051.JPG)

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