Motography, 01-August-1914 |
The Perils of Pauline was a big hit in 1914. The 20 chapter serial was not the first movie serial, but it was one of the big ones. It starred Pearl White, the first serial queen. The Eclectic Film Company distributed Pathé movies in the United States. The film exists only in a mutilated form, based on a copy exported to France. The subtitles has been translated into French, then translated back into English. I like the balloon image from the 01-August-1914
Motography, 08-August-1914 |
This ad mentions the Colonel Heeza Liar animated cartoons created by JR Bray as a satire on Theodore Roosevelt.
Motography, 15-August-1914 |
I don't know what a Hartigan Comedy is.
Motography, 20-June-1914. |
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