
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Slipping Wives -- August 24, 2016

Film Daily, 18-April-1927

Priscilla Dean had been a popular actress in the late Teens and early Twenties.  By 1927, her career had slipped.  This made it appropriate that she appeared in Hal Roach's short comedy "Slipping Wives."

Herbert Rawlinson was a leading man who later did character parts in Talkies.   Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy appeared in the movie, but not as a team.

A note at the bottom of this ad says that it is a cornerblock provided to theaters to use in newspaper advertising.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Joe!
    I'd like to invite you to join the At The Circus blogathon that I'm co-hosting! More details here:


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