
Monday, August 29, 2016

Gene Wilder, RIP -- August 29, 2016

Gene Wilder sounded like a truly nice person. 

I think the first thing I saw him in was Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at the Parkside on Taraval.  I had played Mister Salt in a production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in a summer theater class and I was interested to see how the movie worked.  It was scary. 

I saw Blazing Saddles later.
I saw The Producers after that on television.  It left an impression.
Young Frankenstein was one of the first movies I went to by myself.  I think it was at the Metro on Union.  I'm happy that it is a favorite of my whole family.
I think I also went to the Metro to see The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother, which Wilder directed.  I thought the construction was sloppy.  I was becoming a snob after watching many Chaplin and Keaton movies.
Silver Streak initially caught my interest because of the train.  Wilder and Pryor worked very well together.
I loved the way he spoke about his wife Gilda Radner after she died. 

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