
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Richard Arlen 125 -- September 1, 2024

Richard Arlen was born 125 years ago today, on 01-September-1899. An American, he volunteered to serve in the Royal Flying Corps during World War One.

Motion Picture Magazine, November, 1928

His most famous film was probably William Wellman's World War One epic, Wings. Arlen and Buddy Rogers starred with Clara Bow and Buddy Rogers.

I was able to introduce several people to silent movies in a great environment by taking them to the Friday night shows at San Francisco's Avenue Theater.  Several friends saw silent movies accompanied on the Mighty Wurlitzer by Bob Vaughn. Wings made a big hit with my high school friends.

Island of Lost Souls is a fun movie. The "Panther Woman" was Kathleen Burke, who had won a contest to get the part. Charles Laughton bit off huge chunks of scenery.

During World War Two, Arlen was a US Army Air Force flight instructor.

He was married to Jobyna Ralston from 1927 to 1945. 

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