
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Marion Davies in a Charming Scene -- July 23, 2024

Exhibitors Herald, 05-July-1924

Marion Davies starred in Janice Meredith, an epic film about the American Revolution. E Mason Hopper (great name) directed.

Exhibitors Herald, 12-July-1924

Composer Deems Taylor later appeared as the narrator in Disney's Fantasia.

Exhibitors Herald, 12-July-1924

People get Harrison Ford, Marion Davies' co-star in Janice Meredith, with the more recent Harrison Ford.

Exhibitors Herald, 05-July-1924

New York Daily News, 30-July-1924

"It's American to the Core."

Exhibitors Herald, 05-July-1924

Italian-American artist Edmund (Edmondo) Pizzella was a popular painter. I wonder if the painting still exists.

Exhibitors Herald, 12-July-1924

That is a silly hat.

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