
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Buck Jones -- A Daring Cowboy Who Was Johnny On the Spot When it Came to Law Breakers -- July 10, 2024

Exhibitors Herald, 05-July-1924

Buck Jones and his horse discuss a scene with director Edmund Mortimer. 

Exhibitors Herald, 05-July-1924

Buck's leading lady in The Circus Cowboy was Marion Nixon. Every year, the Western Association of Motion Picture Advertisers selected several promising young actresses to be designated as WAMPAS Baby Stars. Marion Nixon was selected in 1924. 

Urbana Daily Citizen, 28-July-1924

This is not a good drawing of Buck Jones. 

Urbana Daily Citizen, 28-July-1924

"Jones has an opportunity in this picture to display some of the horsemanship which first made him famous."

Zanesville Times-Recorder, 17-July-1924

Now that is a good photo of Buck Jones. Strongheart was a popular dog star. 

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