
Monday, April 1, 2024

Semon Signs Contract With Chadwick -- April 1, 2023

Exhibitors Herald, 24-May-1924


Well Known Comedian to Make Five
Reel Comedy Features

AN announcement made at the executive offices of Chadwick Pictures Corporation to the effect that Larry Semon, movie comedian, was last week signed to head one of their four producing units for release during the season of 1924-5. The prancing comic will be starred for the first time in a series of five reel de luxe comedies. This will be the fulfillment of Larry Semon's long delayed ambition.

Simultaneous with the announcement of the signing of Larry Semon, came a statement from the Chadwick offices that Leon Lee, a well-known producer, has been engaged to supervise the production of the Larry Semon Comedies. Production will be on the West Coast and starts within the next ten days. The vehicle for Semon's initial five-reel comedy will be adapted from the Italian stage play "L'Uomo dal Fiore in Bocca" ("The Man With the Flower in His Mouth") by Luigi Pirandello. Mr. Semon has long been fascinated by Pirandello's farcical tragedies and tragical farces.

Before coming into the Chadwick fold. Larry Semon, has for several years starred in one- and two-reel comedies for Vitagraph. Later it was reported that he had signed a contract with the Truart Film Corporation. However, he did not make any pictures for them. Larry Semon is now permanently settled under the Chadwick banner, and Larry and his new management are now very busy laying plans for what looks like a glorious future.

The engagement of Larry Semon is in accord with the intentions of I. E. Chadwick, President of the Chadwick Pictures Corporation, to expand his production activities on a larger scale. Besides the acquisition of Larry Semon, Chadwick Pictures boasts of another distinguished star in the personality of Lionel Barrymore, who has just completed his first vehicle, "Meddling Women," for this company. Mr. Barrymore will start on his second production "I Am the Man," on May 15, which will be made at the Tech-Art Studios, New York City.

Calgary Herald, 04-April-1924

Larry nursing a piglet. Note the butterflies on his pajamas. I wonder if he drew the cartoon pigs. 

Caldwell Tribune, 01-April-1924

"Did you ever see a man chased by a bolt of lightning?"

Motion Picture Magazine, April, 1924

This is harsh. 

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