
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Fox Film Corporation -- 20 Years of Progress (Part Three) -- July 1, 2023

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

100 years ago last month, the Fox Film Corporation celebrated "20 Years of Progress." 
Fox paid for a gaudy color section to promote its wares. 

William Fox purchased his first nickelodeon in 1904. He went on to develop a nationwide chain of movie theaters and to found one of the major production companies on the film industry. He overexpanded and lost everything in the Great Depression.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

I wonder what the third sister could not have gotten away with. 

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Swedish director Mauritz Stiller made The Blizzard in America. "And it ain't a fit night out for man or beast!"

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Does it Pay? I don't know, does it? The film is probably lost.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Lambert Hillyer, who directed a lot of westerns, made The Plunderer. This film is also probably lost.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Cameo Kirby was based on a play by Booth Tarkington. John Ford Directed.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Soft Boiled looks unique; it may still survive. The leading lady was Billie Dove. John G Blystone directed.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Most of Fox's famous authors are not famous today. I have read or at least heard of Booth Tarkington, Maurice Maeterlinck, Selma Lagerlöf, Gouverneur Morris and Zane Grey. 

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Shirley Mason was Viola Dana's sister. Fox was trying to change Buck Jones' billing to Charles Jones. I like Buck better.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Some of Fox's "World's Foremost Directors and Scenario Writers" are still well-known, like John Ford and J Gordon Edwards. Note that is only one woman.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Al St John and Clyde Cook had their own series of short comedies. Fox introduced a new line of Imperial Comedies. I like image of the Sphinx being tickled. Egyptian subjects were very popular because of the recent discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

"More Thrills, Prettier Girls, Funnier Gags" Fox Sunshine Comedies frequently featured pretty girls and animals. Fox Educational Entertainments were "Thrilling, amusing, different and yet Informative..." 

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Fox News, later Fox Movietone News, produced newsreels in the United States until 1963. The television network later disgraced the name Fox News. 

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

Motion Picture News, 30-June-1923

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