
Friday, September 10, 2021

Arbuckle Says Actress' Death is News to Him -- September 10, 2021

100 years ago today, on 09-September-1921, actress Virginia Rappe died in a San Francisco hospital. She had been in critical condition since attending a Labor Day party held by actor Roscoe Arbuckle at the Saint Francis Hotel on 05-November-1921. She died because of a ruptured bladder which became infected. Stories began to circulate that Arbuckle had assaulted Rappe. Tried for manslaughter three times, he was acquitted. Virginia Rappe was 26 when she died. Arbuckle's career was ruined. The newspapers sold a lot of copies. Many people who tried to defend Arbuckle said some nasty and unfounded things about Virginia Rappe. 

Arbuckle Says
Actress' Death
Is News to Him

Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 10. -- Roscoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle, motion picture actor, left Los Angeles early today by automobile for San Francisco, where he said he would assist in the investigation of the death of Miss Virginia Rappe, motion picture actress, said to have taken ill in his apartments in a San Francisco hotel early this week.

Arbuckle said Miss Rappe came to his apartments to meet a friend of his who wished to model some gowns for her. She had "one or two drinks," he said, after which she became hysterical. Two other women, who were callers at the apartments, he declared, looked after Miss Rappe, after which she was taken to another room and placed in the care of a physician. Arbuckle said he had no intimation her illness was serious until informed last night she was dead.

Frank Domingues, Los Angeles attorney, accompanied Arbuckle on his trip to San Francisco today.

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