
Monday, August 9, 2021

William S Hart -- His Heart Cried Out For Revenge With Each Blast of the Whistle -- August 9, 2021

Pueblo Chieftan, 21-August-1921

Lambert Hillyer directed William S Hart in The Whistle, a William S Hart Production released by Paramount. At the Rialto Theater in Pueblo, New Mexico, Hart shared the bill with "The Flirt," a rereleased Harold Lloyd one reeler from 1917. 

Morning Tulsa Daily World, 14-August-1921

Patrons at Tulsa's Lyric Theater could see Hoot Gibson, a popular cowboy star, in The Man Who Woke Up. Harold Lloyd's "Among Those Present" played along with "Lyman H Howe's Famous Ride on a Runaway Train" at the Majestic. The Palace featured Sessue Hayakawa in Where Lights Are Low. At the Rialto, patrons could see Alice Calhoun in Peggy Puts it Over with Ben Turpin in "Love's Outcast." The Whistle was showing at the Orpheum with a short Al St John comedy.

Arizona Republican, 21-August-1921

Columbus Dispatch, 21-August-1921

"Big Bill Hart at His Best."

Moscow, Idaho Daily Star-Mirror, 31-August-1921

"Halt! And come along to a picture that goes off like a Colt '45'."

Brownsville Herald, 03-August-1921

In The Cradle of Courage, Bill played a criminal who went to war and earned his stripes as a sergeant. When he came back to San Francisco, he decided to join the police.

Brownsville Herald, 17-August-1921

The Testing Block was also directed by Lambert Hillyer.

Pueblo Chieftan, 21-August-1921

I guess lots of fans asked what the "S" in William S Hart's name stood for. If you want to find out, I won't spoil it. You can find the answer in many places.

Bonner's Ferry Herald, 18-August-1921

Buck Jones had a long and distinguished career as a cowboy star, but this ad is the only place I have ever seen him called "The Second Bill Hart." I'll bet the First Bill Hart did not appreciate that. Also note who is coming to the Amazon Theater on Monday.

Maysville, Kentucky Public Ledger, 28-August-1921

I'd like to mention a contemporary of William S Hart, Harry Carey. I have enjoyed every movie in which I have seen him. I think The Wallop is a great title for a movie.

Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, 27-August-1921

"5 Reels of Action and Thrills." He wore a black hat.

I was not surprised to learn that Harry and his wife Olive had 33 dogs at their ranch in San Francisquito Canyon. Mrs Carey said "As much as we love dogs, it is not fair to keep 33 of them when there are hundreds of kiddies around the country who would like a pet." They were planning to give the pups away to any kid who would assure them that the dog would have a good home.

Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, 27-August-1921

Another contemporary of Bill Hart was Franklyn Farnum, who had an extraordinarily long career. I love the design of this ad for The Galloping Devil, but you'll notice that it spells his first name incorrectly. I'm sure that happened a lot. 

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