
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

"The Kid" Coming -- March 23, 2021


Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, 05-March-1921

Charlie Chaplin's first self-directed feature film, The Kid, co-starred Jackie Coogan. They made a wonderful team.

Motion Picture News, 05-March-1921

"Six Reels of Joy" was a widely used tagline, which had the benefit of advertising that this was not just another short film. "Special Hoover Relief Matinee" was a fundraiser for the American Relief Administration, which, under the leadership of future President Herbert Hoover, had saved millions from starvation during the war in occupied countries and after the war in Germany and Bolshevik Russia.

Moving Picture World, 24-February-1917

The poster advertises The Kid's opening at the Strand Theater in Minneapolis. 

Motion Picture News, 05-March-1921

"A giant six-reel super-feature that took a year to make." 

Motion Picture News, 12-February-1921

The A-Muse-U Theater in Clinton, Iowa used a Chaplin and a Coogan imitator to promote the movie.


  1. Such a great film. Thanks for sharing these promotional items and clippings!

  2. Hi Dave. Thank you for writing. I love clippings. The Kid is wonderful.


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