
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Amusing Scene from "The Chauffeur" -- March 23, 2019

Moving Picture World, 01-March-1919
Billy West closely imitated Charlie Chaplin in a long series of comedies for different studios. While Chaplin was making the excellent Mutual comedies, West was making imitations of Chaplin's Essanay comedies. We have seen him move from King-Bee to Bull's Eye.

Moving Picture World, 01-March-1919
Leo White appeared in many of Chaplin's Essanay and Mutual movies, usually playing a French count or some other European.  He lost some teeth to an accident on the set of a Billy West film.

Moving Picture World, 22-March-1919
There is no picture of Billy West in this Bulls Eye ad.

Motion Picture News, 22-March-1919
Despite this announcement, I couldn't find any record of Mack Swain working with Billy West. Swain is best remembered today as Big Jim McKay in Chaplin's The Gold Rush.


  1. A UK newspaper referred to Lured as 'A very laughable “Bull’s Eye” comedy featuring Billy West, Leo White, Mack Swain, Marvel Stafford and the Bull’s Eye Beauty Girls.'
    Bull's Eye may have completed this film after West's departure, adding the newly hired Mack Swain.

  2. Hi thisbrett. Thank you. That makes sense.


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