
Friday, January 25, 2019

Ask the Man Who Shows Harold Lloyd -- January 25, 2019

Moving Picture World, 11-January-1919
100 years ago this month, trade ads described Harold Lloyd's movies as "the best one reel comedies made."

Moving Picture World, 25-January-1919
"Ask the man who shows them!"

Moving Picture World, 25-January-1919
Snub's soles carry insurance advertising.

Moving Picture World, 25-January-1919

"Harold Lloyd Is Making Distinctive Comedies

"THE bookings of the Harold Lloyd comedies have shown such an unusual increase during- the last few months and exhibitor comment has been so favorable that Pathe Exchange, in preparation for a country-wide drive in a promotion of these one-reel features, has started, through its thirty odd branches, a comprehensive census as to the number of theatres at which the comedies are booked on standing orders, the estimated number of days that comedies are shown in specified territories, the number of persons who see them, and all individual, newspaper and exhibitor comment that can be collected.

"The aim also is to secure as much helpful criticism as possible to show which particular staple features are most admired in the comedies, whether they be the 'work of individual players or the method of handling situations. The most frank criticism will be invited to aid in the further improvement of what Vice President Paul Brunet considers to be one of the exceptionally good things of the year. For, he declares, the Rolin Film Company, in fashioning the comedies featuring Harold Lloyd, with Bebe Daniels and "Snub" Pollard, has contributed an entirely new comedy spirit, an evolution from the broad, coarse and oftentimes messy slapstick pioneer work.

"Harold Lloyd is twenty-five years old and Pawnee County, Neb., claims him as one of her famous favorite sons. Harold Roach, president and general director, personally supervises the making of the comedies and he is especially proud of the fact that he personally selected and trained the members of the company.

"Harold Lloyd's work with the Edison Company was in light comedy parts. His next picture engagement was with the Keystone Film Company, playing leads. Then Roach engaged him. In common with practically all motion picture stars of this age, Mr. Lloyd is a proficient athlete, his principal accomplishments being riding, swimming, fencing and boxing. Mr. Lloyd is also a tumbler of no mean ability.

"Bebe Daniels was born of theatrical parents, in Dallas, Texas, January 14, 1901. She started on road with her father's company when only ten weeks old, as the baby in "Jane." At three she played her first speaking part in "The Confederate Spy," in a part especially written for her. At four she was the youngest Shakespearean actress in America, playing Duke of Yorke in "Richard III" on tour throughout the United States.

"Harry Pollard was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1893, and reached the stage by way of a church choir of St. John's Church, Melbourne. The manager of a minstrel show engaged him and he toured New Zealand for fifteen months. In 1907 he was routed through South Africa with Hall's Juvenile Opera Company and later, with the Pollard Opera Company, played in Australia, China, Japan, Honolulu, the Philippines, Canada and all through the United States. "

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