
Monday, November 13, 2017

Under the Stars and Stripes in France -- November 13, 2017

Moving Picture World, 17-November-1917
To take advantage of "intense interest in our boys abroad," Pathé released a two reeler, "Under the Stars and Stripes in France."

Moving Picture World, 03-November-1917
Moving Picture World, 03-November-1917
The British made an early use of tanks in the Battle of Arras.  "The Retreat of the Germans" was "part of the official British Government record of the war."

Moving Picture World, 24-November-1917
This ad for the feature France in Arms features female figures which represent the US and France.

Moving Picture World, 17-November-1917
"An actual battle of aeroplanes is pictured, in which a German plane is seen falling from a great height, turning and twisting in the descent."

Moving Picture World, 10-November-1917
The cost World War One greatly exceeded the normal budget of the Federal Government.  The four Liberty Loans sold war bonds to raise money.  The movie industry dedicated itself to selling a lot of Liberty Bonds.  Stars like Marguerite Clark helped to sell Liberty Bonds.

Moving Picture World, 10-November-1917

Exhibitors and exchange employees sold bonds.

Moving Picture World, 10-November-1917
Mabel Normand sold bonds.

Moving Picture World, 10-November-1917
Douglas Fairbanks sold lots of bonds.

Moving Picture World, 24-November-1917
The Committee on Public Information, the government's propaganda arm during the war,organized Four Minute Men, volunteers who gave short speeches in movie theaters and other public locations to support the Liberty Loan.

Moving Picture World, 17-November-1917
 Other measures helped to pay for the war, including a one cent War Tax on theater tickets. 

Moving Picture World, 10-November-1917
Many people in the industry volunteered for the service.  Kalem actor Arthur Albertson served in the Navy.

Moving Picture World, 17-November-1917
"Over There" was a phrase popularized by a Goerge M Cohan song.  It became the title of a movie. 

Moving Picture World, 10-November-1917
The phrase was parodied in "Over Here."

Moving Picture World, 17-November-1917

Moving Picture World, 17-November-1917

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