
Friday, March 25, 2016

News of the Week March 25, 1916 -- March 25, 2016

The 25-March-1916 Motography featured "News of the Week as Shown in Films," with items from current newsreels.

"California High School girls dancing in the snow of Central Park, New York, in Grecian costumes.  Mutual Weekly, No. 63."  Isadora Duncan had a strong influence on modern dance, especially in her native California.  These poor girls must have been awfully cold. 

"Old Alsatian women, who recalls previous ward, greeting friend soldier after a recent victory.  Pathe News."  In 1871, Germany annexed the Alsace-Lorraine from France.  In World War One, it went back and forth a few times.  At the end of the war, France kept it.

"Frank Moran, heavyweight boxer, out with his ice-auto for a little wintry ozone.  Pathe News"  Frank Moran, the Fighting Dentist, fought heavyweight champion Jess Willard, the Pottawatomie Giant at Madison Square Garden on 25-March-1916.  Willard won in 10 lifeless rounds. 

"Boys join in scientific baking at Lane Technical High School, Chicago.  Hearst-Vitagraph."  Lane Technical High School, founded in 1908, now serves as a magnet school.  Girls began attending in 1971.

"Steam fishing smack arrives in Boston covered with ice.  Hearst-Vitagraph."  Smacks were common fishing boats on the east coast. 

"A speeder in the winder motor boat regatta at Miami, Florida.  Mutual Weekly, No. 63."  I can't find reports about the 1916 regatta.  It may have been organized by Carl G Fisher. 

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