
Friday, March 11, 2016

News of the Week March 11, 1916 -- March 11, 2016

The 11-March-1916 Motography featured "News of the Week as Shown in Films," with items from current newsreels.

"Wounded French soldier learning to write with his left hand -- Pathe."  The carnage of the war led to advances in prosthetics and treatment of injuries.

"Baptiste Ugo, nine-foot Italian and Esmiliare Adrien, 29-inch Frenchman Arrive in New York -- Pathe."  Battista Ugo was born on 21-June-1876 he and his younger brother Paolo Antonio performed in France as "les Geants des Alpes."  Baptiste was 7 feet, 6 1/2 inches tall.  Antonio was going to the United States to work for the Barnum and Bailey Circus.  He died on 15-February-1914.  Baptiste went in his place.  He died of diphtheria on 22-April-1916.  Adrien was 2 feet, 3 1/2 inches tall. 

"Fighting the five million dollar dock fire suffered by Brooklyn, N. Y. -- Mutual."  A 16-February-1916 fire destroyed Pier Three and two ships.  The fire was thought to be caused by electricity rather than sabotage.

"U. S. S. Pennsylvania, Uncle Sam's latest superdreadnaught, leaving for speed trials. -- Hearst-Vitagraph."  Dreadnaught USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) was launched on 16-March-1915.  During the Pearl Harbor attack, she was in drydock, but her anti-aircraft guns fought back.  15 of her crew were killed, but she was able to sail to San Francisco for repairs.

"Miss Hildur Erlandsen, winner of cross country race at Cary, Ill., skee tournament. -- Hearst-Vitagraph."  It looks as if the ski meet was held on 13-February-1913.  One report says Mrs F. Lunde was first and Mrs Erlandsen was second.

"Superimposed turrets of the Battleship Pennsylvania, each carrying three huge guns. -- Pathe."  We saw a Hearst-Vitagraph about the ship above. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Polar Bear enjoying the winter weather in Central Park Zoo. -- Hearst-Vitagraph."  Just as we like animal videos, newsreel audiences liked animal stories. 

"Wreck of the Aberdeen, San Francisco harbor. -- Mutual."  During a big storm on 28-january-1916, steam schooner Aberdeen, carrying garbage for the city of Oakland, was driven ashore outside of the Golden Gate.  Eight men were lost.  I'm not sure the image shows the Aberdeen, which was reported to be smashed up. 

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