
Saturday, February 13, 2016

News of the Week February 12, 1916 -- February 13, 2016

I dug through the 12-February-1916 Motography and didn't find "News of the Week as Seen in Films."  This was a shock as it had been a regular feature since 14-November-1914.  I didn't spot any missing pages, and I saw that it did appear in the 19-February-1916 issue.

I did notice two individual images from newsreels.  The first one shows "New York Society girls skip rope on roof of hotel in early morning to keep slim -- Mutual Weekly."  Note the warm coats.  I'll bet they would plenty of weight jumping rope while dressed that way.

"President and Mrs. Wilson greeted in New York -- Mutual Weekly."  Wilson and Mrs Edith Galt had married on 18-December-1915. 

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