
Friday, October 2, 2015

News of the Week October 2, 1915 -- October 2, 2015

The 02-October-1915 Motography featured "News of the Week as Shown in Films," with items from current newsreels.

 "English and French commissioners seek loan for allies.  Copyright 1915 Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  The Allies depended on US loans to continue buying US food and material.

"Famous warship Portmouth set on fire to get iron from hull.  Copyright 1915 Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  USS Portsmouth was a sloop of war launched in 1843.  She served in the Mexican War and the Civil War.  On 09-July-1846 a detachment of her marines raised the US flag in the plaza of Yerba Buena, now called San Francisco.  The plaza is called Portsmouth Square.  After serving as a training ship and a quarantine ship, she was burned in Boston on 06-07-September-1915.

"Sant' Anna leaving New York for Italy.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  Italian reservists headed back to Italy on the French liner Sant Anna, which had been launched in 1912.  She became a troopship in 1915.  Sant Anna caught fire on 12-September-1915 in mid-Atlantic.  People suspected German sabotage.  She made it to Europe.  She was torpedoed in the Mediterranean on 11-May-1918.  605 died. 

"Dr. Dumba, Austria-Hungary Ambassador, leaving the Embassy.  Copyright 1915 by Pathe News."  The Ambassador tried to foment trouble among his nationals working in US steel plants.  He said that they could prosecuted for helping the enemy. 

"Envoys from the allies arrive in New York to negotiate big loan.  Copyright 1915 by Pathe News."  I assume these are the same men seen in the first photo. 

"President Wilson throws out the first ball, at opening of baseball park.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  I'm guessing this is the opening of Braves Field in August.  On 09-October-1915, Wilson became the first president throw out the first ball at a World Series game, when the Boston Red Sox played the Philadelphia Phillies at the Baker Bowl in Philadelphia.  Wilson was a big baseball fan. 

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