
Monday, September 22, 2014

Grauman's Chinese #38 -- September 22, 2014

In July, 2012 we paid a return visit to Hollywood and Grauman's Chinese Theater.  Sid Grauman was a San Francisco showman who came to Los Angeles and built three major houses, the Million Dollar, the Egyptian, and the Chinese. The theater has hosted many film premieres, but is most famous for the hand and footprints (and hoofprints and nose prints and other types of prints) in the forecourt.

 Betty Grable left her hand and leg prints in the forecourt on 15-February-1943.  She included the initials of the Army, the Navy and the Marine Corps.  This was before the Air Force became independent.  Betty Grable appeared in a lot of Technicolor musicals for 20th Century-Fox.  She was famous for her legs.  She had been forgotten by many people.
This is the last entry in this series.  I think I'll start over again because until I moved to this new site, I didn't include other photos, like these of Betty Grable. 

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